The battle between three pawns and a piece is usually exciting. While in theory the race is equal, normally one side or the other wins. In the following example the pawns have the edge because they are passed,and the black king is tied down in order to stop the king-side pawns.
Note: (a passed pawn is a pawn that has no enemy pawns between it and it's queening square)
Black's bishop attacks the a-pawn but if it moves then after Ba4 black will be able to hold the queen-side pawns and draw! So I found a better solution b5! After black takes the a-pawn I played a move which destroys blacks hopes of stopping white from queening. Can you see it?
That's right b6! wins, since after black takes the pawn with the a-pawn and we re-capture, our pawn cannot be stopped. The black bishop cannot go to c6 due to the pawn being in the way. And white then wins by queening the b-pawn.
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