Note the squares are laid out on a grid, if you need help
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In this exciting game played on-line, El-tio (an expert) allows holes in his king-side to be exploited.
The main problem is that the white light-squared bishop is on the d3 square and is not able to defend the hole around the black king. It is black to move, please take a minute and see if you can visualize how to mate white.
In some variations white survives but the main line that was chosen in the game led to a quick checkmate for black (me).
In the diagram position on the right, white is in serious
trouble. Black played the correct Bg4 threatening White's queen and getting into position to cause immediate disaster for white.
Now in the game white moved the queen which loses fast, lets look at that line first.
2....Qc2 ???
3. Bf3!
After this move it is curtains for white. If the Knight moves black plays Qh1 checkmate. If the knight stays put black plays Qg2 checkmate. Either way it is the hole on the g2 square perfectly used by black that was whites downfall.
Tomorrow we will look at what happens if white plays the tougher defense 2...Qe4 or 2...f3!?